The term e-mail forwarding describes an e-mail being forwarded from a recipient address towards a third-party address which is not listed as a recipient. For example, a client sends an e-mail from their personal mailbox to and as much as they are involved, this is the only receiver. When there is an active forwarding, the message might be forwarded to, for instance, even though the customer in no way intended the message to be sent there and might not be aware about the existence of this mailbox. There are various reasons for making use of such forwarding. For instance, if you have numerous email addresses you're able to forward all of them to a single email address, which can make keeping track of email messages simpler and allows you to collect emails and respond quickly. The function may also be used if a number of people should get a copy of an email message sent to a general mailbox.

E-mail Forwarding in Shared Web Hosting

It really is simple to create forwarding for virtually every e-mail configured in a shared web hosting account with us. This can be achieved either while you make a brand new email address through your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or whenever you want later as the forwarding can be activated and disabled for any existing email address with just a few mouse clicks. You can also decide if a backup of the inbound emails will be maintained on our servers, which is a pretty valuable feature. This will be a fail-safe in case that the remote mailbox is not available for some cause, not mentioning you will also have a backup of all of the messages. If this option is not enabled for a specific e-mail address on our end, an incoming e-mail will be received and sent forward, so zero record of it will remain on our server. When the remote email address is unavailable for the moment, you'll lose this email.

E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you have a semi-dedicated server through us, you'll need simply a few clicks inside the Email Manager area of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel to forward any of the e-mail addresses created on our server to a third-party address. In the very same section you will additionally be able to see how many of your mailboxes are forwarded and exactly where the incoming emails are going. You're able to enable or deactivate a forwarding account at any time and throughout the process you could also decide if a copy of the e-mails should be kept in our system or not. Although this option is not a necessity, it is extremely helpful because you will have a backup copy of the emails on our end in case that something happens with the third-party email address. Even when they've got simply a momentary issue, you risk losing e-mail messages as when our server gets and forwards an e-mail message, nothing at all will be kept on our end if you haven’t chosen a copy to be kept.