Though this is not the mainaspect in order to distinguish a reliable shared web hosting supplier from a bad one and a reseller from an actual provider, having the option to call and speak with a live person is a sign that you aren't using the services of a one-person service provider and that you will be able to get in touch with somebody whenever you're looking for assistance. The telephone support for website hosting services may vary from common to experienced, so the problems which can be resolved with a phone call differ depending on the specific supplier. In most cases, these matters are simpler and feature billing or first level technical issues because more complex issues often require a support ticket where both you and the system administrators can track the proceedings with a specific situation. Still, having the option to phone call your service provider will save you a lot of time and efforts for the multitude of small issues that will eventually appear when you manage your website hosting account.

Phone Support in Shared Web Hosting

We believe that the option to consult with a live consultant is rather important, that's why we have 3 support lines all around the world (Australia, USA and UK) and you will be able to get in touch with us on the phone for fourteen hours every day. In case you consider buying one of our Linux shared web hosting packages, for instance, you will be able to phone us and find more about our solutions before placing your order in order to be sure that we do match all system requirements for your websites. Following the purchase, you can contact us about all of the sales and / or billing issues you may experience, or get any type of general or basic technical info you need. We've tried to find the perfect balance between phone and ticket support, so for solely technical matters you'll have to use our ticketing system, that will help you keep track of the communication along with any new developments in the resolution of the issue.

Phone Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With 14 hours-a-day telephone support, you can be certain that there is always somebody to help you when you have any queries about the semi-dedicated server packages that we supply. Whether you would like to know more about the packages, you have a billing issue or some general issue, you can just give us a call. Though some more complex problems may require a support ticket in order to give time to our tech support crew to analyze, we are able to help you with lots of tech questions over the phone as well, saving you time and efforts. As we have data centers on three different continents - in the United States, Great Britain and Australia, we have local telephone lines in all of these countries as well. In case you are in another country, we also have an international number where you'll be able to contact us.